Do you need a drone cover?

Do you need a drone cover?

All about drone covers

There have been a lot of posts about outdoor covers for our agricultural spray drones. As a result, I took a deep dive into the current options available and came up with a few interesting conclusions. 

Long story short: You don’t really need a drone cover

Short story long: If you decide you do need one, the DJI T40’s rectangular folded shape means an Amazon furniture cover will work, or for slightly more, a custom cover from a brand like Coversandall will do great

Do you really need a drone cover? 

Not necessarily. The truth is, the DJI T40 and most other agricultural spray drones undergo rigorous testing and are designed to withstand the rigors of farm life. These drones are waterproof and resistant to small particles, both essential qualities considering their frequent exposure to such elements. However, there are a few valid reasons to consider investing in a drone cover:

  1. If you transport your drone on a truck bed or uncovered trailer and want to protect fragile components such as the camera and lights from rocks and other debris

  1. If you store your drone outside over long periods of time and would prefer not to have long term exposure to UV light and rain. 

Where to buy?

There will likely be a T40 cover coming out in the next few months. This will likely be expensive and not offer much more utility than the following options. 


  1. Based off of our measurements of the DJI T40 folded, this cover from amazon would fit the best:

At $28 dollars, it’s a bargain.

  1. Many custom cover makers offer excellent solutions for various odd shaped products. The DJI T40 fits well into this category. Coversandall offers multiple shapes and can even add your drone business’s logo to the cover. Our measurements and research suggests design 15 would be ideal with the following dimensions:

Furthermore, you can add clips to attach to the legs of the DJI T40 (where indicated by the arrows in the dimensions image at the top of this article), as well as your own logo. All of this is available for approximately $100 with a 5 year warranty.


Thanks to the DJI T40’s relatively standard folded shape, a standard outdoor cover will suffice. While T40-specific covers may be forthcoming, they are likely to be more expensive and offer little additional utility. In terms of practicality, the above solutions should do the trick!

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