DJI Flycart 30

Introducing the DJI Flycart 30, the go to drone for law enforcement, search and rescue, and anyone who needs to carry and deliver a payload... up to 88 pounds!

DJI FlyCart 30 is here to deliver the goods. A long-distance heavy lifter with powerful signal and intelligence, DJI FlyCart 30 supports Cargo mode and Winch mode and ascends beyond traditional logistical limits to deliver a safe, economical, and efficient air transport solution. 


Send What's Needed, Where It's Needed

Heavy payload capacity and long flight distance overcome logistical limitations for next-generation delivery. 

 Are you ready to deliver the goods? The DJI Flycart is ready for the job. 

Get a quote!

Here's a complete tutorial on using the DJI Flycart 30.